How can I delete my StudySmarter account?

Our article below provides instructions for deleting your StudySmarter account.

StudySmarter account deletion (Web App)

  1. Go to your “Profile” and select the gear icon in the upper-right corner to open your profile.
  2. Now you can find the “Delete account” button.
  3. In the last step, you must confirm the deletion by clicking “Delete”. You also have the option to cancel this process by clicking on “Cancel”.
  4. After deleting your account, you will automatically log out.

StudySmarter account deletion (Mobile App)

  1. Go to your “Profile” and select the gear icon in the upper-left corner to open your profile.
  2. Now you can find the “Delete account” button.
  3. In the last step, you must confirm the deletion by clicking “Delete”. You also have the option to cancel this process by clicking on “Cancel”.
  4. After deleting your account, you will automatically log out.

Please keep in mind:

If you regret your account cancelation, you have seven days to stop the cancelation. You just need to log into your account again, and the cancelation will be stopped. After seven days, we don't have any options to recover your data because all the data has been removed.


Do you have any questions?

Please email and our support team will take care of your request as soon as possible.

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