Create your flashcards manually

Test your knowledge and prepare perfectly for your exams by creating flashcards for your study sets. Creating your own flashcards not only saves you valuable time but also makes studying a lot more fun!

How to Create Flashcards

  1. Go to your Library.

  2. Select an existing set or create a new one by clicking “+ Create New Set”.

  3. Click on the “+” / “+ Add Materials” button in the bottom left corner.

  4. Select the option “Create flashcards manually”.

  5. The flashcard editor will open. Now, you can:

    • Enter your question in the top field.

    • Enter your answer in the bottom field.

    • Customize your flashcards by: Adding formulas, bullet points, or images.

  6. Save your flashcard:

    • In the mobile app: Tap “Create.”

    • In the web app: The flashcard will be saved automatically when you exit the editor.

How to Create Multiple-Choice Flashcards

  1. Add text: Enter text in the answer field as usual.
  2. Enable the multiple-choice option:
    • Click the “+ Multiple Choice” or “+ Add Answer” button that appears below the answer field.
  3. Add answer options:
    • Add up to 6 possible answers.
    • For each option, specify whether it’s correct or incorrect.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit to how many flashcards I can create?

No, you can create as many flashcards as you want!

Can I upload images?

Yes, you can add images to your questions or answers. Simply click the image icon to upload a picture from your gallery.

How many correct answers can a multiple-choice flashcard have?

You can set anywhere from 0 to 6 answers as correct.


Do You Have More Questions About This Feature?

Feel free to email us at, and our support team will be happy to assist you!

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