Test your knowledge and prepare perfectly for your exams by creating flashcards for your study sets. Creating your own flashcards not only saves you valuable time but also makes studying a lot more fun!
How to Create Flashcards
Go to your Library.
Select an existing set or create a new one by clicking “+ Create New Set”.
Click on the “+” / “+ Add Materials” button in the bottom left corner.
Select the option “Create flashcards manually”.
The flashcard editor will open. Now, you can:
Enter your question in the top field.
Enter your answer in the bottom field.
Customize your flashcards by: Adding formulas, bullet points, or images.
Save your flashcard:
In the mobile app: Tap “Create.”
In the web app: The flashcard will be saved automatically when you exit the editor.
How to Create Multiple-Choice Flashcards
- Add text: Enter text in the answer field as usual.
Enable the multiple-choice option:
- Click the “+ Multiple Choice” or “+ Add Answer” button that appears below the answer field.
Add answer options:
- Add up to 6 possible answers.
- For each option, specify whether it’s correct or incorrect.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a limit to how many flashcards I can create?
No, you can create as many flashcards as you want!
Can I upload images?
Yes, you can add images to your questions or answers. Simply click the image icon to upload a picture from your gallery.
How many correct answers can a multiple-choice flashcard have?
You can set anywhere from 0 to 6 answers as correct.
Do You Have More Questions About This Feature?
Feel free to email us at support@studysmarter.de, and our support team will be happy to assist you!