Create your own flashcards

Test your own knowledge and prepare yourself perfectly for your exam by creating flashcards for your study sets. You will realize that creating your own flashcards will save you valuable time and be a lot of fun.

Create your own flashcards (Web App) 

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Select the set or create a new set for which you want to create flashcards.
  3. Then, go to the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Click on the button "Create flashcards".
  5. The flashcard creator field opens, and you can enter your flashcard's question and answer. You can freely format the question and the answer and even insert lists, pictures, and formulas. 
  6. Finally, you just have to click on "Create".

Multiple choice flashcards

After entering an answer in the "Answer" field, the "+ Multiple Choice" button will appear automatically. Select it to add up to 6 answer choices and create multiple-choice flashcards.


Create your own flashcards (Mobile App) 

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon from the left)
  2. Select the set or create a new set for which you want to create flashcards.
  3. Then, go to the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Click on the button "Create".
  5. The flashcard creator field opens and you can enter your flashcard's question and answer. You can freely format the question and the answer and even insert lists, pictures, and formulas. 
  6. Finally, you just have to click on "Create".

Multiple Choice flashcards

Select the "+ Multiple Choice" button to add up to 6 answer choices and create multiple-choice flashcards.


Frequently asked questions:

Is there a limit to how many flashcards I can create? 
No, you can create as many flashcards as you want, and you always will!

Do I have to share my flashcards with others? 

No, you can create flashcards just for yourself. To do so, set the sharing status to "Private". Note, however, that shared flashcards help your fellow students, and you also benefit from millions of shared flashcards.

Can I upload pictures? 

Yes, you can upload your own pictures and insert them into your question or answer. In the Web App, you simply have to click on "Insert image" in the layout pop-up, and in the mobile app, click on the image icon when creating your question or answer. Then, you just have to select the image you want. 

How many answer options can be correct in multiple choice? 

In multiple choice flashcards, between 0 and 6 answer options can be correct. For each answer option, you can flexibly choose whether it should be evaluated as correct or incorrect. 


Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Feel free to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.

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