Add shared flashcards to your study sets

Instead of creating your own flashcards, you can also select from millions of shared flashcards and add them to your sets. This allows you to benefit from the knowledge of others and expand your study sets.

How to Find and Add Shared Flashcards

  1. Go to the “Discover” search.
  2. Select the “Flashcards” tab.
  3. Enter the term you want to add flashcards for into the search bar.
  4. Click on a flashcard you want to add and then click the “Add to My Study Set” button.
  5. You can either create a ”+ new Study Set” or choose an existing study set from your account to add the flashcard to.
  6. The flashcard will be added directly to the selected study set.

Tips for Optimal Learning

For the best learning results, we recommend a combination of your own and shared flashcards, so your knowledge is tested from multiple angles.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Who shares flashcards on StudySmarter?

Flashcards are shared by other students, learners, or by StudySmarter itself. You have access to millions of flashcards created by the community.

How can I find the best flashcards?

Enter terms that describe either the general topic (especially for sets) or the specific terms that should appear on the flashcards (especially for individual cards). This will help you find the most relevant flashcards for your study goals.

Do I have to add all flashcards from a set?

No, you can add only the individual flashcards you need without adding the entire set.

Can I remove added flashcards?

Yes, you can remove any added flashcards from your study set at any time. In the flashcard overview or during the learning process, click on the three dots and select “Delete.”


Do you have any further questions on this topic?

Please email us at, and our support team will be happy to assist you!

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