Create your own notes

Taking notes is one of the most popular learning methods for some reason. Writing notes helps you to understand the content more easily. Especially with a large amount of information, it is essential to focus on the essential. On StudySmarter you can easily create notes to summarize your content. 

How can I create my own notes? (Web App)

You have two options to choose from:

  1. You can create notes from your study material and thereby structure your content with the help of the Magic Marker.
  2. Furthermore, you can also create notes with the help of our templates or you can create your own notes.

1. Create notes from your study material:

  1. Go to your sets. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Select the set in which you want to create a note.
  3. Then click on the "Documents" tab and select the document you want to use for creating your note.
  4. Next, you can select our Magic Marker from the bar with the formatting options or activate it by using the shortcut "h".
  5. Finally you just have to mark a text passage in your study material and select the "Notes" button of the Magic Marker. The marked text will be transferred to the notes field. If you click on the camera icon, you can also transfer excerpts from your slides into your notes. 
  6. If you want to view your entire summary, go to the "Note" tab. 

2. Create notes completely freely:

  1. Go to your sets. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Select the set in which you want to create a note.
  3. Then click on the tab "Notes".
  4. Now, you can create your own note or a note based on our templates. To learn more about our templates, we recommend reading the following article: Note templates.
  5. Once you have created a note, you will again have several formatting options to customize your note.

How can I create my own notes? (mobile app) 

The Magic Marker is unavailable for the mobile app, but we are already working on an alternative.

  1. Go to your sets. (second icon from the left)
  2. Select the set in which you want to create a note. 
  3. Now click on the "Notes" tab.
  4. Now, you can create your own note or a note based on our templates. To learn more about our templates, we recommend reading the following article: Note templates.
  5. Once you have created a note, you will again have many formatting options to customize your note.

Frequently asked questions: 

Can I print my notes? 

You can easily click the printer icon and print your summary. This way, your notes are not only available online but also offline.

Can I only copy text passages from my documents?

No, of course, you can also write your own comments in the note field. This is even recommended to you to get a high-quality note in the end, with which you can achieve top grades!


Do you have further questions about this topic?

Please email us at, and our support team will take care of your request as soon as possible.

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