Using Tags in StudySmarter

In exams and subjects, there are often many different topics to cover. Tags help you focus on the right topics. By adding tags (e.g., Chapter 1) to your flashcards, you can filter them and study only the relevant cards. Tags can be added either when creating your flashcards or flexibly during your study sessions.

How to Add Tags to Your Flashcards

While Creating Flashcards

  1. In the Web App:
    • You’ll find the ”+ Add Tags” field in the top left corner.
  2. In the Mobile App:
    • You’ll find the ”+ Tag” field in the bottom right corner.
  3. Click on the field, select an existing tag, or create a new one.
  4. Complete the process by clicking “Done” to save the tags.

While Studying

  1. Select ”+ Add Tags”.
  2. Add a new or existing tag and save the changes.

Managing Tags

  1. Click on the tag within your flashcard.
  2. Select “Manage Tags”.
  3. You have the following options:
  4. Delete a Tag:
    • Click the trash icon.
  5. Edit a Tag:
    • Click the pencil icon to change the name or color.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I name tags freely?

Yes, you can choose any name for your tags. We recommend creating tags for chapters (Chapter 1, Chapter 2 etc.) or specific topics (Microeconomics, Anatomy etc.).

Do tags work like subfolders?

Yes, tags work as subfolders for your flashcards. They allow you to organize your subject further without needing to create a separate subject for each topic.


Do You Have More Questions?

Feel free to email us at, and our support team will be happy to help!

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