Learn your flashcards

You have created or added flashcards to your study set and want to learn them. Learn your flashcards with one of our 3 modes and benefit from our scientifically based flashcard algorithm, which optimizes the order for your learning progress. 

Repetition is essential when studying flashcards. Therefore, try to repeat your flashcards as often as possible to achieve the best results!

Learn your flashcards (Web App) 

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Select the set for which you want to practice your flashcards.
  3. Now click on the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Next, select one of our 3 study modes to learn your flashcards. You can choose from the following modes (we have linked the explanation of each mode):
    1. Spaced Repetition
    2. Practice Mode
    3. Quiz Mode
  5. The question of the flashcard is always displayed first. You can reveal the answer by clicking on "Show answer".
  6. Then, choose how well you answered the flashcard based on the smileys (Good, OK, Bad). After that, the next flashcard will be displayed to you.




Learn your flashcards (Mobile App) 

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon from the left)
  2. Select the set for which you want to practice your flashcards.
  3. Now click on the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Next, select one of our 3 study modes to learn your flashcards. You can choose from the following modes (we have linked the explanation of each mode):
    1. Spaced Repetition
    2. Practice Mode
    3. Quiz Mode
  5. The question of the flashcard is always displayed first. You can reveal the answer by clicking on the screen.
  6. Then, choose how well you answered the flashcard based on the smileys (Good, OK, Bad). After that, the next flashcard will be displayed to you.


Instead of selecting the smileys, you can also swipe the flashcards. If you swipe to the right, it will be counted as "Good". If you swipe to the left, it will be counted as "Bad". 


Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Feel free to contact us at support@studysmarter.de. Our Support will be happy to help you.

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