Format your flashcards

We offer you numerous options in our Web App and Mobile App to help you format your flashcards. This way, you can create flashcards as you like and design them perfectly for your learning process.

How do I format my flashcards? (Web App)

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Select the set or create a new set for which you want to create flashcards.
  3. Then go to the "Flashcards" tab .
  4. Click on the button "Create flashcards".
  5. Now the flashcard creator field opens and you can enter the question and the answer for your flashcard. There are several options available for formatting your flashcard: 
    • "B" Mark text as bold: Mark words or phrases as bold that you consider most important.
    • "I" Mark text as italic: Emphasize certain words in your sentences or highlight a quote/definition, for example.
    • "U" Underline text: Highlight certain points by underlining them.
    • "Aa" Select text color: Set the color of your text completely freely.
    • "Insert Image": Click on the image icon to insert an image for the question or answer of your flashcard.

For more formatting options, just click on the three dots:

    • "Background Color": Set the background color for your text.
    • "Free Hand": Use the Free Hand function to draw freely on your flashcards.
    • "Emoticons": Use emoticons for your flashcards to make them more interesting.
    • "Subscript": This places the text slightly below the normal text.
    • "Superscript": This places the text slightly above the normal text.
    • "MathType": Using the MathType function, you can easily type mathematical formulas.
    • "Unordered List": Format your text as a list to help you remember multiple points simultaneously.
    • "Ordered List": Format your text as a numbered list to help you remember the order of a sequence, for example.
    • "Decrease Indent": The indent extends the line length of the selected paragraph.
    • "Increase Indent": The indent shortens the line length of the selected paragraph.
    • "Align": Choose between your text's left-justified, right-justified, and centered alignment.
    • "ChemType": You can easily type chemical formulas using the ChemType feature.

    6. After you have formatted your flashcard, all you have to do is click "Create".


How do I format my flashcards? (Mobile App)

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon from the left)
  2. Select the set or create a new set for which you want to create flashcards.
  3. Then go to the "Flashcards" tab .
  4. Click on the button "Add flashcards".
  5. The flashcard creator field opens and you can enter your flashcard's question and answer. There are several options available for formatting your flashcard: 
    • "Insert Image": Click on the image icon to insert an image for the question or answer of your flashcard.
    • "Free Hand": Use the Free Hand function (pencil icon) to draw freely on your flashcards.
    • "Unordered List": Format your text as a list to help you remember multiple points simultaneously.
    • "🔴" Select text color: Set the color of your text completely freely.
    • "B" Mark text as bold: Mark words or phrases as bold that you consider most important.
    • "I" Mark text as italic: Emphasize certain words in your sentences or highlight a quote/definition, for example.
    • "U" Underline text: Highlight certain points by underlining them.

    6. After you have formatted your flashcard, all you have to do is click "Create".


Do you have any further questions regarding this topic?

Feel free to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.

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