Add images to your flashcards

On StudySmarter, your flashcards can not only contain text but also images. This makes it easier for you to learn diagrams, graphics, or other visual content, helping you memorize more effectively.

How to Add Images to Your Flashcards

  1. Go to your Library.
  2. Select an existing set or create a new one by clicking on „+ Create New Set”.
  3. Click on the „+” / „+ Add Materials” button at the bottom left.
  4. Choose the option „Create Flashcards Manually”.
  5. The flashcard editor will open, where you can enter the question and the answer for your flashcard.
  6. Add Images:
    • Click the „Image Icon” in the formatting menu.
    • You can either upload an existing image or, if you’re using the mobile app, take a new photo directly from your phone.
  7. Saving Your Flashcards
    • In the mobile app: Click „Create” to save your flashcard.
    • In the web app: The flashcard will be saved automatically once you leave the editor.


Do you have additionally questions about this feature?

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