Why do I see content from companies on StudySmarter?

Our mission with StudySmarter is your successful graduation and to help as many students as possible succeed in their studies. Since money can be tight in college anyway, we want to offer StudySmarter free of charge to support every student. 

To offer StudySmarter free of charge and develop it further, we work with companies interested in hiring you as an intern, working student, or graduate. This way, we can put you in contact with relevant employers at an early stage and hopefully help you find your dream job. 

Please note that your data will not be shared with our partners at any time.
No company will ever see how much time you spent studying on StudySmarter or how well you understood your material. That's our promise to all of our users! 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

How do I choose which companies I see content from? 

The companies you see are determined by what college you attend, what course you are taking, or what semester you are in. As promised, none of this data is shared with the company! 

I would like to learn more about a company on StudySmarter. How do I do that? 

We are very pleased that we were able to draw your attention to an interesting company! Please contact the company directly if you have any questions about specific companies or open positions. It would be very nice to indicate that you became aware of the company through StudySmarter! 

I know a company that would like to position itself on StudySmarter. Who can I contact? 

We are always happy to hear from new companies who want to help us offer digital education for free. Please write to us at sales@studysmarter.de with more information, and we will get back to you as soon as possible! 

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