Move flashcards between studysets

StudySmarter allows you to move flashcards from one study set to another. This feature saves you the hassle of recreating flashcards and gives you more flexibility in organizing your learning materials. You can even move flashcards between subsets within the same set.

How to Move Your Flashcards

  1. Open Your Library:
    • Navigate to the “Library” section in the sidebar.
  2. Select a Study Set:
    • Choose the set that contains the flashcards you want to move.
  3. Click “Show More”:
  4. Open the Flashcard Selection Tool:
    • Click on the three dots in the top-right corner and select “Select flashcards”.
  5. Choose Your Flashcards:
    • Select the individual flashcards you wish to move.
    • To move all flashcards, click “Select all”.
  6. Move Your Flashcards:
    • Click the “Move” button.
    • Select the target set where you want to move the flashcards.
  7. Confirm Your Action:
    • Click “OK” to finalize the process.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I move flashcards between different subjects?

Yes, you can move flashcards between sets belonging to different subjects.

Will tags and formatting be retained?

Yes, all tags and formatting will remain intact when moving flashcards.


Need Further Assistance?

If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at Our support team is happy to help!

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