Import flashcards quizlet

With StudySmarter, you can easily import your flashcards from Quizlet and use them directly in your learning sets. This saves you time and allows you to focus on your study material right away.

How to Import Flashcards from Quizlet?

  1. Step 1: Go to the Library

    • Select “Library” in the left navigation bar.

  2. Step 2: Open Your Learning Set

    • Go to the learning set where you want to import the flashcards.

  3. Step 3: Start Importing

    • Click on the three dots in the top right corner and select “Import Flashcards”.

  4. Step 4: Switch to Excel Import

    • Select the tab “As Text (from Quizlet)”.

  5. Step 5: Export Flashcards from Quizlet

    1. Go to your flashcards in Quizlet and click on the three dots under the flashcards.

    2. Select “Export”.

    3. Make sure to select the correct formatting:

      1. In the field “Between Term and Definition,” enter the user-defined field ”/#*#/”.

      2. In the field “Between Lines,” copy the user-defined field ”\n#\n”.

    4. Click “Copy Text” to export your flashcards.

  6. Step 6: Paste the Copied Flashcards into StudySmarter

    1. Go back to StudySmarter and paste the copied text into the text field.

    2. Check the formatting and click “Upload” to import the flashcards into your learning set.


  • Ensure your Excel file follows the template format to avoid errors during import.
  • Make sure the questions and answers are formatted correctly in the table.
  • This feature is only available in the Web App.


Do You Have Any More Questions?

If you have any further questions about importing your flashcards, feel free to email us at Our support team will be happy to assist you quickly and easily!

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