Swap Questions and Answers

StudySmarter allows you to swap the questions and answers of your flashcards. This feature allows you, for example, to learn vocabulary in both ways without the need to create new flashcards. For example, you can study your vocabulary flashcards from English to German and German to English. Of course, this setting can be deactivated again.

Please keep in mind that the swap question and answer feature is only available for our "Practice" study mode.

How can I swap the question and answer of my flashcards? (Web App)

  1. Go to your Library. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Click on the set for which you would like to learn your flashcards.
  3. Then go to the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Now select the "Practice" study mode.
  5. Then click on the three dots in the upper-right corner and select "Swap question and answer."
  6. Now you can learn your flashcards in the opposite way. As soon as you finish your flashcards and leave the practice mode, this setting will be deactivated.

How can I swap the question and answer of my flashcards? (Mobile App)

  1. Go to your Library. (second icon from the left)
  2. Click on the set for which you would like to learn your flashcards.
  3. Then go to the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Now select the "Practice" study mode.
  5. Then click on the filter in the upper-right corner to open the "Practice Settings."
  6. Activate the button "Swap question and answer."
  7. Finally, confirm your setting under "Apply."
  8. Now you can learn your flashcards in the opposite way. As soon as you finish your flashcards and leave the practice mode, this setting will be deactivated.


Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Please don't hesitate to contact us at support@studysmarter.de. Our Support will be happy to help you.

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