Free hand tool

To format your flashcards perfectly, we offer you many possibilities. The Free Hand tool in our Web App and Mobile App allows you to draw freely on your flashcards. That way, you can create flashcards as you like and use them perfectly for your learning progress.

How do I use the free hand tool for my flashcards? (Web App)

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon in the left navigation bar)
  2. Select the set or create a new set for which you want to create flashcards.
  3. Then, go to the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Click on the button "Create flashcards".
  5. Now, the flashcard creator field opens, and you can enter the question and the answer for your flashcard. 
  6. Click on the three dots to open the other formatting options.
  7. Select the pencil icon to open the Free Hand tool.
  8. Now, the Free Hand window will open. In the window's top bar, you can find many possibilities to draw on your flashcard. You can use a pencil and a wide selection of colors and add forms like rectangles and circles. On the right side of the bar, you can use the forward and backward arrows to delete or restore the last edit. You also have an eraser tool to erase desired areas.
  9. Once you have finished drawing, all you have to do is click on "Done" in the upper right corner. The drawing will now be transferred to your flashcard's question or answer field.
  10. Finally, click on "Create".

How do I use the free hand tool for my flashcards? (Mobile App)

  1. Go to the “Library” overview. (second icon from the left)
  2. Select the set or create a new set for which you want to create flashcards.
  3. Then, go to the "Flashcards" tab.
  4. Click on the button "Add flashcards".
  5. Now, the flashcard creator field opens, and you can enter the question and the answer for your flashcard. 
  6. Select the pencil icon to open the Free Hand tool.
  7. Now, the Free Hand window will open. In the top bar of the window, you can select the pencil or the rectangle icon. With the pencil tool, you can draw freely on your flashcard by using the desired color in the lower bar. With the rectangle tool, you can add rectangles to your flashcards. You also have an eraser tool to erase desired areas. On the right side of the upper bar, you can use the forward and backward arrows to delete or restore the last edit. 
  8. Once you have finished drawing, all you have to do is click on "Save" in the upper right corner. The drawing will now be transferred to your flashcard's question or answer field.
  9. Finally, click on "Create".

Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Feel free to contact us at Our Support will be happy to help you.

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