Explain AI

What happens when you combine artificial intelligence with content creation? Exactly, Explain AI, a new feature that supports you in creating learning content! Thanks to the Explain AI feature, you now have unlimited explanations on various topics available. In addition to the StudySmarter original learning sets and those of other users, you can now also generate explanations for any learning topic.

Important: So far, we have only implemented the Explain AI function for our mobile app. The feature is still in testing, and only a small test group of our users can access the feature. If you do not have the feature in your app, please be patient, this feature will be available to all of our users in the future.

Generating explanations with Explain AI (mobile app)

  1. Go to "Explore". (second icon from the right)
  2. Enter a topic you are looking for an explanation in the top search bar.
  3. "Explain AI" will now appear, and it may take a few seconds to create the explanation.
  4. Click on the explanation to open it. You now have several options available:
    1. "Generate flashcards": Let the AI create flashcards to this explanation and add them to a new or existing set. 
    2. "Save as note": Save the generated explanation as a note in an existing learning set or create a new one.
    3. "↻ Regenerate": Generate a new explanation for your search term.
    4. "Customise":
      • "Customise explanation":
        1. "Simplify": Generate a simplified version of the explanation to understand the content better.
        2. "Elaborate": Generate a more complex version of the explanation to gain more information.
      • "Boost your memory with these techniques": 
        1. "Metaphors": Generate an explanation with metaphors to help you remember the content better.
        2. "Poem": Generate an explanation in the form of a poem.
        3. "Fantasy story": Generate an explanation as a fantasy story.
        4. "Video game dialogue": Generate an explanation as a video game dialogue.
        5. "Humour": Generate a humorous explanation.
  5. Would you like to see previously generated versions of the explanations?
    • You can switch between previously created versions of the explanations using the back and forward arrows.
  6. Would you like to leave the Explain AI feature?
    • To go back, click on the blue arrow in the top-left corner to return to the "Discover" page and search for new topics.



We appreciate all feedback! Please don't hesitate to click on "Give feedback" during the exam or at the very end of the exam to give us your improvement ideas. You can also give us feedback about all AI features using this form. We greatly appreciate your help! :)


Do you have any further questions regarding this feature?

Please don't hesitate to contact us at support@studysmarter.de. Our Support will be happy to help you.

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