Update March 2023

We have a new Update for you and hope to enhance your learning success. Thanks for using our new Update!

That's our new improvements:

Generate AI

What happens when artificial intelligence is connected to the setup of your account? That's right, Generate AI, a new feature that supports you with learning content right after creating your account! Thanks to the Generate AI feature, you have access to content on pre-selected topics right after completing the setup of your account, saving you time and allowing you to start learning right away.  (Generate AI)

Explain AI

What happens when you combine artificial intelligence with content creation? Exactly, Explain AI, a new feature that supports you in creating learning content! Thanks to the Explain AI feature, you now have unlimited explanations on various topics available. In addition to the StudySmarter original learning sets and those of other users, you can now also generate explanations for any learning topic. (Explain AI)


What happens when you connect artificial intelligence with a learning mode? That's right, Test is a new feature that supports you in preparing for your exam! The Exam AI feature creates personalized questions based directly on the content in your set, and then provides detailed feedback on your answers. This lets you identify your knowledge gaps and prepare for upcoming exams or tests! (Test)

Important: Our new StudySmarter AI are still in test. Currently, this features is only available for a small group of our users. Please be patient if you cannot find the features in your App, as you will have it in the future.

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