Spaced Repetition

What is Spaced Repetition?

Spaced Repetition is a learning method where you have regular, short study sessions over a longer period of time. It’s more effective than cramming everything at once because it gives your brain more time to properly store new information. Research shows that forgetting information and then putting effort into recalling it is a crucial part of the learning process!

In StudySmarter, Spaced Repetition is a new study mode alongside “Flashcards” and “Test.” Unlike these modes, Spaced Repetition uses an algorithm to determine the optimal time to review already learned flashcards. This way, you learn less overall but retain more in the long term.

How does Spaced Repetition in StudySmarter work?

  1. Starting the learning cycle
    • After learning new flashcards, you take a break before reviewing them for the first time.
    • The more successfully you review a card, the longer the time interval before the next review.
  2. Forgetting is part of the process!
    • If you forget a card, the algorithm shortens the intervals.
    • It’s normal to forget 10-15% of cards at some point – it’s part of how we learn.

How do I use Spaced Repetition?

  1. Activation
    • Open your study set, select “Start learning”, and activate the mode by choosing “Learn” as your study mode.
  2. Learning in cycles
    • Rate each card as “Poor,” “Okay,” “Good,” or “Perfect.”
    • A card is considered learned when you rate it “Good” twice.
  3. Tracking your progress
    • Learned cards are marked as completed.
    • The learning cycle ends when all cards are learned.



Progress Tracking and Reviews

  • Spaced Repetition Progress Bar: Displays how many cards you’ve learned.
  • ”+15 Learn”: Add more cards to study.
  • “Review”: Start reviews after the planned interval.

Active reviews are indicated by a notification or a small symbol showing the number of cards to review.


Review Cycles

  • On review days, the progress bar highlights the percentage of cards that need to be reviewed.
  • Cards rated as “Okay” are shown sooner than cards rated as “Good” or “Perfect.”



Tips for using Spaced Repetition Mode

  • Forgetting is okay: The algorithm saves time by focusing on cards you actually need to review.

  • Be honest with your ratings: Your ratings help the algorithm schedule reviews effectively.

  • Don’t add too many new cards at once: This helps prevent overload and lengthy review cycles.

  • Stick to the review schedule: Especially for the first reviews, as they’re critical for strengthening your memory.


Do you have more questions about Spaced Repetition?

Feel free to email us at, and our support team will be happy to assist you! 😊

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