How do I share my content?

StudySmarter gives you full control over the visibility of your study sets. You can decide individually for each set whether and with whom you want to share it. Keep in mind that you benefit from millions of shared study sets created by other users, and by sharing your own, you can help others as well.

Visibility Options for Study Sets

You can choose between three options:

  1. Public:
    • All StudySmarter users can view your content.
    • Only you have the editing rights for the flashcards.
  2. Collaborators:
    • Your content is only visible to you and the members of your study group.
    • Only you can edit the content, but contributors can add new flashcards to the set.
  3. Private:
    • Your study sets are only visible to you.

Publishing a Study Set

You can make a study set public so that all users can see your content. Don’t worry, only you can edit it.

Steps to publish a study set:

  1. Open the study set you want to publish.
  2. Click on the lock icon at the top.
  3. Select “Make Study Set public”.
  4. Click on “Confirm & Publish”.

Tip: You can share your study set with others using the “Share study set” button, which provides a link for direct access.


Do You Have Further Questions?

Feel free to email us at, and our support team will be happy to assist you!

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