Reset study set progress

In the StudySmarter app, you have the option to reset the progress of your study sets. This completely restarts your learning cycle, and all flashcards will be marked as unrated again. This feature is perfect if you want a fresh start and would like to review and rate your flashcards from scratch.

How do I reset the progress in my study set?

  1. Go to your library

    • Open the app and tap the second icon in the navigation bar to access your library.

  2. Select a study set

    • Find the study set you want to reset and open it.

  3. Open the set options

    • Tap the three dots (⋮) in the top-right corner to open the menu.

  4. Reset progress

    • Select the option “Reset progress” from the menu.

  5. Confirm the action

    • Tap “Reset” to confirm your choice.

Once confirmed, the progress of all flashcards in your study set, including any sub-sets, will be reset.

Important notes

The reset is permanent: Once you reset your progress, it cannot be restored. So, make sure you really want to take this step before proceeding!


Do you have more questions?

If you need further assistance or have additional questions, feel free to email us at Our support team will help you in no time!

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