Lorenz Radelt
Activity overview
Latest activity by Lorenz Radelt-
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Flashcard Export Function
As a premium user, you can export your self-created flashcards as a CSV file and save them on your computer or mobile device. How to Export Your Flashcards Go to your library and select the desir...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Create flashcards with Generate AI
What happens when artificial intelligence meets flashcard creation? Generate AI! This new feature allows you to quickly and easily generate flashcards on any topic, so you can start learning right ...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Reset study set progress
In the StudySmarter app, you have the option to reset the progress of your study sets. This completely restarts your learning cycle, and all flashcards will be marked as unrated again. This feature...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Pause Spaced Repetition Notifications
With our “Spaced Repetition” study mode, your flashcards are presented to you using an algorithm that calculates the best time to review previously learned cards. This way, you spend less time stud...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Update March 2023
We have a new Update for you and hope to enhance your learning success. Thanks for using our new Update! That's our new improvements: Generate AI What happens when artificial intelligence is connec...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Test
What happens when artificial intelligence and a learning mode are combined? Exactly, our Test Mode! This feature helps you prepare for exams by generating personalized questions based on your study...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Explain AI
What happens when you combine artificial intelligence with content creation? Exactly, Explain AI – an innovative feature designed to help you create learning materials on any topic. With Explain AI...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Free hand tool
StudySmarter allows you to customize your flashcards with a drawing feature available in both the web app and mobile app. This feature lets you create personalized illustrations on your flashcards,...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, How to add math formulas to your flashcards
With StudySmarter, you can easily add mathematical formulas to your flashcards using the MathType feature in the Web App. This allows you to create customized flashcards tailored to your learning n...
Lorenz Radelt created an article, Practice flashcards offline
StudySmarter allows you to activate the Offline Mode for your study sets, so you can learn flashcards even without an internet connection, for example, while traveling. Please note that Offline Mod...